Traveling Camp

Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp

What is Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp?

Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp (TDC) is a two day unique blend of outdoor ministries and congregational ministry.  It is a joint effort between the camp and the congregation. TDC is designed for children who have completed K-Grade 5.  Pioneer and Rimrock will provide programming (staff, art supplies, game equipment, curriculum resources, and miscellaneous stories and activities) and the congregation will provide support services, promotion of the program, and involvement in the program as arranged between the camp director and the congregation’s coordinator.  The curriculum is based on Bible stories and is full of fun and faithful activities.


The purpose of Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp is to assist congregations in providing a quality Christian outdoor ministry experience at their site.  During this time we hope to get young people enthused about camping, but our bigger concern is to get them enthused about congregational ministry and a life with Christ.  Our hope is that the TDC program will be a place for outreach and evangelism in local congregations.


The strength of Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp is people.  First, TDC teams are comprised of Pioneer & Rimrock staff members who are selected for their Christian commitment and love of children.  They are trained to lead Bible studies, worship, singing, crafts, and recreation.  Second, the volunteers from the congregation provide the lasting community into which children grow and develop. It is relational ministry and our emphasis is to offer quality Christian role models for young people.

Site Selection

Pioneer & Rimrock strives to provide the program to congregations across the Presbytery, both close to the camps and further away.  Pioneer & Rimrock reserves the right to choose the congregations that participate, based in part on the staffing and vehicle needs of our on-site program.



Sample Schedule at a Glance

8:00 Crew meeting and Devotion
8:45 Campers Arrive (check in/ games)
9:10 Morning Watch
9:30 Intro/session 1
10:10 Session 2
10:50 snack
11:00 Session 3
11:40 Flash (Faith, Learning, Sharing)
12:20 Lunch/ quiet games
1:00 Craft Time
2:00 Large group games
2:30 Snack
2:40 Session 4
3:30 Vespers/Campfire
4:30-5 Pick-up

Changes to the schedule will be made to accommodate the congregation’s requests, special outings, or special guests.

The Elements of Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp

Campers Arrive Campers will need to be registered on the first morning.  Get to know you games will be played each morning to help campers and staff learn names.  Each morning there will be games and activities running to keep the campers engaged.
Morning Watch Each day at Pioneer & Rimrock begins with morning watch, and TDC is no different.  This is a chance to sing a few songs, introduce the theme of the day, and get ourselves oriented to God.
Introduction On the first day, the staff and the campers will discuss what the two days will look like and make a covenant of the expectations.  Campers will be active participants in this process.
Nature It is important to celebrate God’s good earth!  We will run various activities that teach the children, through games and reflection, about the earth and stewardship.
Music & Drama This is a chance for campers to use their voices and bodies to have fun and express themselves.
Snack Each day, the church will provide two snacks for the campers.  These are finger foods and a drink as there is not much time.  All foods and drinks should not contain any nuts or nut products.
FLASH This is a time for Faith, Learning, and Sharing.  Our staff will lead activities, songs, discussions, and games on the Bible Story for the day.  The week will have a theme that each story will relate to.
Games This is a chance for everyone to be active by playing fun and active camp games.
Lunch Children will bring their own bag lunches for the noon meals.  Some congregations may choose to provide this.
Adventure This is a chance to play games that help to build team and encourage good group dynamics.  These are challenging activities that help children learn to communicate, encourage, and build one another up, while having a lot of fun.
Arts & Crafts Campers will make something that they are able to take home.  These crafts will often correspond to the Bible story of the day or the theme of the week.
Mission Pioneer & Rimrock supports the on-going mission work of our church around the world.  Through fun activities, children will learn more about life in other parts of the world and the work of our mission partners.
Large Group Games Everyone loves to play a giant game of Capture the Flag or Sharky Larky.  Depending on the site and the weather, this is a great chance to get outside.
Campfire The day will end like most Pioneer & Rimrock days, with a “campfire.”  This is a chance to sing the songs the campers have been learning all day, put on a couple of skits, and reflect on the theme for the day.
On Site Adventures Congregations may choose to bring in special guests to the church.  These may include artists, animals, police officers, and conservation staff.
Women’s or Men’s Night The Pioneer & Rimrock staff would be happy to host an evening for the women or men of the congregation to experience camp life.  They will lead a FLASH (Bible study), a campfire, and a craft.
Nursery Program Some congregations may want to offer a program for pre-Kindergarten children. This would be the responsibility of the congregation and not the Pioneer Rimrock crew.


Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp Fees for Summer 2018

We have a tiered fee system for Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp, click here to learn more.  Pioneer & Rimrock is committed to this program and would like it to be accessible to every congregation in our Presbytery, regardless of size or budget.  However, there is a cost to the program, and if a congregation is able to pay the true cost (Third Tier), it will help keep the program viable.  Regardless of the tier chosen, the congregation will receive excellent staff and programming as always.

This fee includes four (4) camp crew, curriculum materials, equipment for games, and materials for craft supplies.  This amount of crew will program for 40 campers.  If you have more than 40 campers, then an additional crew must be requested.

  • First Tier – $750
  • Second Tier – $1,000
  • Third Tier – $1,200

Additional Staff – ($275) This fee is the cost for each extra crew member.  If your church would like additional crew, depending on availability, extra crew members are possible. This would have to be arranged well in advance so Pioneer & Rimrock can adjust their staffing levels.

Traveling Day Camp Registration 2018

  • Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp registration will begin on January 15, 2018.  There is a registration form found on the website that must be filled out.
  • Pioneer & Rimrock will then choose the congregations that fit into the schedule based on staffing needs, travel requirements, and congregational need.
  • Confirmation will be given by March 1, and remaining spots will be given on a first come, first served basis.
  • A deposit of $250 is required to hold the space, by April 1, 2018.
  • If a congregation is unable to confirm their participation, the time slot will be offered to another congregation.
  • The balance of the fee is due one week after the conclusion of the program.

[button text=”Register Now” icon=”fa-star” style=”float-btn” color=”theme” url=””]

Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp Crew Roles & Responsibilities


Pioneer & Rimrock provides TDC leaders and counselors who are caring, committed and prepared to provide each congregation with an amazing experience.  All crew members are interviewed and their references checked. They also have current police record checks.  All Pioneer & Rimrock crew have Standard First Aid with CPR training.  They have all completed Pioneer & Rimrock staff training.

Curriculum & Supplies

The curriculum is a summer Bible study program designed especially for use with camping programs. Equipment, supplies, music, and crafts related to the program will be provided.  The curriculum theme for 2018 is “Beyond Belief.”

Planning & Training

The TDC Team Leader will be in contact with a congregational coordinator and planning committee to coordinate the week’s activities with any special outings or events. It would be helpful for all volunteers to read through the pages in this manual that deal with volunteer expectations.


Pioneer & Rimrock will provide transportation for the camp crew.


TDC programs should be insured under each congregation’s liability policy.  Pioneer & Rimrock crew are insured through the camps insurance policy.

Congregational Roles & Responsibilities

The Site

The best possible arrangement for the Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camps program is to have both a building AND a park, playground, or open field.  It is also important that the facility be adjacent to the park or field so that recreation and games can be enjoyed throughout the day.  We will work with the facilities that are available, but having outdoor space is preferable.  Immediate access to telephone, bathrooms, and running water are also necessary.

Local Planning Committee

The planning committee needs to provide leadership and communicate the needs and desires of the congregation.  This can be the Christian Education committee, or a separate committee struck for this purpose.  It is also important that the host minister (or interim moderator) is involved.  The planning committee also needs to provide the necessary leadership to work with the camp crew, especially on issues of snacks, volunteer leadership, space available, and registration.  It is recommended that a congregational coordinator be selected.

Camper-Adult Ratios

At Pioneer & Rimrock, we work to have at least a six to one child to adult ratio.  We will be providing four staff for the program (with an additional staff required if the registration is over 40).  Therefore, it is the congregation’s responsibility to find adult (age 18+) volunteers for every six children in the program, after the first 24 campers. If the congregation is running a nursery program, applicable child to adult ratios should be used in addition to the TDC ratios. Another consideration regarding ratios is if there are any children with special needs. Pioneer & Rimrock always allots extra staff to accommodate special needs at camp but because there are only four staff, the congregation will need to provide additional support. Youth volunteers are also excellent, but adult volunteers are necessary.

Number of Children Camp Staff Required Minimum of Active Volunteers Required
24 4 1
30 4 2
36 4 3
42 5 4
48 5 4
54 5 5
60 6 6
66 6 7 (And so on….)

Background Checks

All adult volunteers need to have a completed background record check on file with the church. Please have all volunteers fill out the attached consent form for background checks. Background checks will be covered by the Presbytery.

All consent forms can be sent together to the Presbytery office at: 100 S. Spring Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Housing and Food for Pioneer & Rimrock Crew

If the church is close to the Camp, then housing and food are not needed.  However, if the Camp Crew are travelling over an hour to the site, housing and food will be needed. Pioneer & Rimrock crew must be housed together, so they are able to do their planning in the evenings and drive together.  The congregation is responsible to provide all meals for the Crew during the TDC program.  If staff are driving from the camp, they will bring a lunch with them each day. Evening meals can be arranged through the host families or other families during the week.  If a staff member has special dietary needs, this will be communicated to the Congregational Co-coordinator.

Pioneer & Rimrock Crew Job Description

It is assumed that all crew and church volunteers shall be dedicated to their ministry with people in the name of Christ.  They shall seek to aid in the development of the program in such a way that the faith of all campers and crew have an opportunity to grow.

The primary role of the crew is to facilitate the Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp program. With this primary task in mind the Pioneer & Rimrock crew shall:

  • Assume final planning and decision making responsibility for the TDC program.  (TDC Team Leader is designated to be in charge.)
  • Be present at all planning and TDC events and stay for their entirety.
  • Be open to input from the congregational volunteers so to best serve the needs of the local church.
  • Ensure that safety is of primary importance and be familiar with the congregation’s emergency procedures.
  • Provide all programming, material, curriculum, and themes for the week.



Congregational Coordinator Job Description

It is assumed that all crew and church volunteers shall be dedicated to their ministry with people in the name of Christ.  They shall seek to aid in the development of the program in such a way that the faith of all campers and staff have an opportunity to grow.

The primary role of the Congregational Coordinator is to be the liaison between the TDC Team Leader and the congregation. With this in mind the Congregational Coordinator will:

  • Convene the Local Planning Committee meetings and ensure that they have completed the tasks set out by the committee and their job description.
  • Communicate with the TDC Team Leader the questions, concerns, important logistical details, registration numbers/ages and the general progress of the Local Planning Committee.
  • Assist with the arranging of a training session with congregational volunteers on the evening before the program.
  • Be available during the program to address any questions or concerns of the TDC Crew, volunteers and parents.
  • Know the safety and emergency procedures of the church and be prepared to teach them to the crew.
  • Give feedback to the TDC Team Leader and Pioneer & Rimrock Director throughout the week and at the end of the camp through evaluation.
  • Ensure that the children are abiding by the rules set out on the first day and provide appropriate consequences if not followed.
  • Work with the crew to implement the program.
  • Share specific skills by leading any group activities that they choose (i.e. crafts, music, games, guitar, etc.).



Local Planning Committee Job Description

It is assumed that all crew and church volunteers shall be dedicated to their ministry with people in the name of Christ.  They shall seek to aid in the development of the program in such a way that the faith of all campers and crew have an opportunity to grow.

The primary task of the Local Planning Committee is to provide local logistical and volunteer support to the TDC program. With this in mind the Local Planning Committee shall:

  • Compose a list of goals and expectations and submit to the TDC Team Leader.
  • Offer suggestions and ideas for special events or outings so that the program best fits the needs and resources of the congregation.
  • Select and secure the TDC sites (if it is necessary to reserve park and recreation areas.)
  • Determine a congregational coordinator and volunteer staff.
  • Promote Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp to youth and children in your church and larger community.
  • Plan for and arrange any congregational/family/community events that you choose to implement.
  • If the crew need to be lodged, secure housing and meal arrangements for the Pioneer & Rimrock crew.
  • Implement a process for registration using the Pioneer & Rimrock registration forms or on-line registration and a contact person.



Congregational Volunteer Job Description

It is assumed that all crew and church volunteers shall be dedicated to their ministry with people in the name of Christ.  They shall seek to aid in the development of the program in such a way that the faith of all campers and staff have an opportunity to grow.

The primary task for the congregational volunteers is to be the camp counsellor to a group of children during the program. This means that they will need to be active participants in the program. This role is the most important role at camp just as it is at TDC. These volunteers will provide the continuity with the children long after the crew have left. With this in mind the Congregational Volunteer will:

  • Attend a volunteer training session lead by camp staff on the evening prior to the program beginning.
  • Foster relationships with the children under their care by playing, talking and eating with them.
  • Ensure that the children are abiding by the rules set out on the first day and provide appropriate consequences if not followed.
  • Work with the camp crew to implement the program.
  • Share specific skills by leading any group activities that they choose (i.e. crafts, music, games, guitar, etc.).
  • Give feedback to the TDC Team Leader and Pioneer & Rimrock Director throughout the week and at the end of the camp through evaluation.
  • Know the safety and emergency procedures of the church.


Snack Volunteer Job Description

It is assumed that all crew and church volunteers shall be dedicated to their ministry with people in the name of Christ.  They shall seek to aid in the development of the program in such a way that the faith of all campers and staff have an opportunity to grow.

The primary task of the snack volunteer is to provide nutritious snacks for the TDC program. With this in mind the Snack Volunteer will:

  • Provide a morning and afternoon snack for TDC that includes both something to eat and drink.
  • Ensure that there is enough food for all children, crew and volunteers.
  • Ensure that there are alternative snacks for those with allergies.
  • Ensure that snacks are nut-free.
  • Keep in mind the environmental impact of plastic wrappers, styrofoam cups and plates and try and reduce the amount of waste produced.
  • Provide a balance between “junk” and nutritional foods.


Pioneer & Rimrock Traveling Day Camp Timeline

Ongoing Congregations decide to host TDC and work with the Pioneer & Rimrock Director or TDC Team Leader to decide on dates when the program will be offered.
March Congregations set up a Local Planning Committee and review the material from Pioneer & Rimrock and send in the deposit.
May The Congregational Coordinator and camp crew is in contact through email with any questions or concerns.  The purpose is to review the program, make adaptations to fit the goals of the program, and set the schedule for the program, including any special events.
June Communication continues between the Congregational Coordinator and the TDC Team Leader regarding schedules, number of children, and other details.
May – Summer Congregation begins to publicize for the event, coordinate housing and food for the crew if necessary, and contacting the necessary volunteers.  In June, a Pioneer & Rimrock crew member will be in touch to get all the final details.
The day before Camp The crew arrive to meet with the Congregation Coordinator and volunteers.
Last Day of Camp Final payment can be paid at the close of the camp and must be paid within one week of completion.
September Please complete evaluations to Pioneer & Rimrock following your TDC program.  Congregational feedback is important for continued improvement and making sure the congregation’s objectives and goals are being met.


Frequently Asked Questions…

Can children younger than K attend?

The Camp Crew have prepared a program that is designed for children who have completed Kindergarten.  The program already accommodates a large range in children’s ages.  For these reasons, children younger than K may find it difficult to participate fully in the program that is planned.

Can kids older than Gr. 5 attend?

The program has been designed to accommodate children from Kindergarten to grade five.  If older children would like to attend, they could come in a junior leader role and help with the younger children.  Older children love to take on responsibility and if they are ready to be a helper, they can offer a lot to the program.  It would be helpful to the crew to know if there will be any older children taking part in this option.

What happens if we have a child with special needs?

Pioneer & Rimrock believes in the inclusion of all children into the summer ministry program.  However, it is important to communicate the needs of the child and congregation ahead of time.  Our crew are trained to respond to the individual needs of children, but at camp we normally work one on one with children with special needs to ensure their full participation.  With only four crew, it is not feasible for them to lead the program as well as attend to the specific needs of individual campers.  There are two options for congregations.  The first is for the church to have a volunteer who can work directly and one on one with the child.  The second is to contact the camp about having an additional staff member be part of the TDC team for the week to work directly with the child.  Above all else, it is important to communicate the congregation’s needs ahead of time so that every child can have the best experience.

Is it necessary for all of the volunteers to have a background Check?

All volunteers who are working directly with children need have a police records check. This is for the protection of the children in our midst and a simple thing to do to reassure our parents. Attached is a consent form for the Presbytery to perform a background check. It is important that this process is begun well ahead of the program.  If a volunteer is supplying snack, it is not necessary for them to have a record check.

Does it have to be a full day program?

At Pioneer & Rimrock, we believe that living and working together helps children to catch a sense of the love and acceptance that can be found in Christian community.  Our on-site programs run for a full week.  When we do a program at a church, we feel that children will get a sense of that community when we run a full day program.  We also feel it is a good use of our crew’s time as they will be travelling to the community to do the program and they can offer a full day program.  If a congregation would prefer a half day program, that is possible, but the full cost of the program will still apply.

What are some of the off-site options?

Every congregation has local options for an off-site adventure.  This could be a hay-ride, a trip to the beach, or a visit to a local farm.  These adventures can greatly add to the fun of the week, but they must be planned well in advance.  All safety policies must be followed, including transportation of children and ratios for lifeguarding.

What about our volunteers, how do they interact with the program and crew?

Volunteers are expected to help as outlined in the package.  Some are expected to actively help the crew with the children acting as “camp counselors,” others would prepare the snack, help during lunch, or register children as they are dropped off in the morning.

Our crew will welcome extra help from volunteers.  If you have a musical volunteer they are welcome to help with the music.  Your volunteers are encouraged to engage the crew and learn from them, and our crew always want to learn from members of the church.  If there is a song the children love from Sunday School or another year of VBS, then we want to learn that song and include it.  Likewise, if a Pioneer & Rimrock song is popular, we want your volunteers to learn it so they can continue to do it at the church.  Another good example is crafts.  If you have a volunteer who is good at crafts, we would love it if they planned and led a craft or helped our crew person with the crafts.   There is a lot to do during the day, the more volunteers can help, and the more the crew can engage the children in the program and ensure they have a fun time learning about God.

The key is that this is all worked out in advance with the TDC Team Leader.  Good communication allows for flexibility and improvements.