Pioneer Camp and Camp Rimrock wish list is to dream and vision beyond what our current program and budget restrictions allow. Included on this list are many practical recycled items that everyone can donate, along with larger items that would require a special donation. Some of the larger items provide a great opportunity for your Church, Sunday School, Youth Group or Ladies Group to fundraise for a specific item. General cash donations are always welcome, and we can put the money to where we need it the most.
- Area rugs, Large, small, runners and door mats
- Fire place set, poker, shovel etc.
- Dryer for Rimrock
- Washer and Dryer set for Pioneer
- Two Freezers for Pioneer
- $ for dishwasher that is already picked out for Pioneer
- knife set
- Gas grill
- Tupperware containers
- Pens and markers
- paper
- $ for printed curriculum for counselor use
- printer for Pioneer
- safe for Pioneer
Arts & Crafts
- embroidery floss
- beads (any shape or size)
- clay, any type
- paint brushes
- googley eyes
- baby food jars
- pipe cleaners
- markers
- scissors
- aprons
- tissue paper
- leather
- paint
- paper
- kickball, soccer, basketball, volley balls
- tents that are in good shape
- backpacking gear
- $ for Gaga ball pit
- $ for zip line
- $ for high and low ropes course
- $ for climbing tower
- $ for water slide
Music & Drama
- any costumes
- any musical instrument
- karaoke machine
- weed whacker
- scaffolding
- nice cordless drill set
- 6ft+ fencing
- gardening tools
- seeds and plants
- garden hoses