The colors are changing at both of our camp locations this month. Reds have faded to brown and leaves cover the gravel roads.
Our evergreens remain true to their name. Just like them, we are striving to remain true to our values and mission at Pioneer & Rimrock Camps and Retreat Centers.
The sixth value of our CONNECT acrostic is character, which means we seek to reflect integrity that includes love, accountability and honesty in everything we do.
In every season, we work hard on administration tasks to keep our camp running smoothly. We try to ensure that registrations are open early and that our camp facilities are updated and working properly. We’re building a brochure to feature our programs for next season.
When camps are in session, our staff tries to demonstrate what it means to be loving and accountable in our actions and words. That’s why we have a week of training before camp starts – so our language reflects our values, mission and ultimately our Creator.
We encourage you to reach out to camp staff at any time of the year with questions. We want to be accountable to God and to you in fulfilling our mission.
How can you demonstrate Christ-like character this season?