If you or you know someone who has attended camp please let us know. We are compiling an alumni file and are hoping to get more names of people that have attended camp and either Rimrock or Pioneer. Please email Name and contact info so we can reach our alumni with updates to our camps. Thank You
Ellen DAvis
I attended came at the old Pactola Camp before it was abandon to make way for the lake and the last year or so of high school (summers of 52-53-54) the 4-H camp and I believe Rimrock one year…just not sure. The summer of 1961, my husband Lynn Davis, a seminarian at the time, served as a counselor at Rimrock — at least I’m pretty sure it was that camp site. We had an infant and two older sons at the time and I helped in the kitchen.
Interesting. My mother attended camp at Pactola several years earlier but it is interesting to hear from others that did as well!
Lynell Hisgen
I am an alumni of camp Rimrock. I started attending in 3rd grade and worked on the kitchen 2 summers.
Desirae Ludwig Van Der Berg
Hello! I grew up attending Camp Rimrock and Wilderness Camp every summer! I even had the wonderful experience of living at Rimrock for 2 summers as my mom was the cook. (My treasured family pet Ginger still rests there). Camp Rimrock has a very special place in my heart and always will!