[toggle title=”New Pioneer Camp” open=”yes” color=”theme” faq=”yes” effect=”none”]Have you had a chance to visit the New Pioneer Camp? God is truly working in the place and you can watch the camp develop.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Look at the Pioneer Lodge, it’s BEAUTIFUL!” open=”no” color=”theme” faq=”yes” effect=”none”]Add in your content here.[/toggle]
[testimonials type=”” autoplay=”yes” delay=”6000″ effect=”none”]
[testimonials_item name=”John Deo” job=”Designer”]Add in your content here.[/testimonials_item]
[testimonials_item name=”Jason” job=”Coder”]Add in your content here.[/testimonials_item]
[testimonials_item name=”Tom” job=”Coder”]Add in your content here.[/testimonials_item]
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