
Everyone who has been to Pioneer or Rimrock knows what it feels like to wake up there. At Rimrock, the moment you step out of the lodge or your cabin, you can hear the water of Rapid Creek tumbling over the rocks next to the Rec Hall. At Pioneer, you can hear insects buzzing as the sun warms the path to the labyrinth and it almost feels like you’ve stepped into a different world: one without cars, planes, work and stress.

The third value of our mission acrostic, CONNECT, is nature. At camp, we recognize the power of God’s creation to to impact the hearts and spirits of all people. We believe that spending time in creation can heal hearts and minds and invigorate the body. That’s why we’re constantly working to build our camp programming to utilize our beautiful properties to help people experience God.

Rimrock hosts about 18 acres of glorious, forest property. Some of our wildlife include bighorn sheep, which love to explore the rocky cliffs of Rimrock. At night, you can often hear elk calling through the darkness on our 193-acre Pioneer property. We see many deer on both of our properties.

This kind of natural diversity is unique to both the Black Hills and the camp environment. It’s hard to find time in our busy lives to encounter creation, especially if we live in a city or suburb. At camp, we want to bridge that gap. We want everyone to experience creation to the fullest and be transformed by it.

We also believe that in order to experience creation to the fullest, we must care for creation. We encourage sustainability efforts and a “leave no trace” mantra at camp when we venture into the forest so that the natural world around us can be enjoyed by everyone.

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